Saturday, March 3, 2012

Silent Hill twist ending

Silent Hill arrived in the movie box office in 2006. The metaphysical movie features a twist ending that explains the movie plot. If you haven't watched Silent Hill, then we recommend you avoid reading the twist ending spoiler below.

***Movie Spoiler***

Rosa Da Silver fights against the evil town people and the monsters that reside in the Silent Hill town, an evil underworld. She has no clue about what is causing the unexplainable events to occur. Rosa's husband Christopher goes looking for his wife and daughter in the deserted Silent Hill town. Silent Hill is a town that previously burned down due to a major fire.    

In the Silent Hill twist ending, the moviegoer finally discovers Rosa and her daughter Sharon are dead. The two died in a car accident (the turning point), which is the reason their souls are capable of moving about the subplanes of The Astral Hell. The evil astral beings and town people remain trapped in Silent Hill because they continue to channel their hate into revenge.  

Rosa could never communicate with Christopher. We think Christopher will eventually hear Rosa shouting on the other side of the wall. However, Rosa and the policewoman, Cybil Bennett are trapped in another dimension.   

The twist ending reveals that Rosa and her daughter are dead. Cybil, Rosa, and Sharon died in a collision on an icy road leading up to Silent Hill. Without knowing so, the three characters assimilated into the town with deceased citizens who died in the previous fire.

Rosa and Sharon's point in view (darkness ambience) inside their home show the two are indeed deceased. Christopher probably felt their presence, but he couldn't see his wife and daughter in human form. The clever twist ending explained the movie plot, conveying to us that only the dead can see the true evil from within Silent Hill.  


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  2. @ Jason: Actually,
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