Friday, June 22, 2012

Rest Stop twist ending

B grade horror flick Rest Stop released on October 17, 2006. Nicole Carrow (Jamie Alexander) and her boyfriend Jess Hilts (Joey Mendicino) decide to leave their hometown to Hollywood. At a dark rest stop, a real horror story unfolds.

Rest Stop twist ending is never expected, though by the time we discover the twist the interest in the movie already flamed out in the midpoint. If you haven't watched Rest Stop, beware that will be dishing out the twist ending spoiler.

***Twist Ending***

Nicole is trying to keep Officer Michael Deacon (Joey Lawrence) alive. He is severely wounded, profusely bleeding out on the ground. The killer is keeping the two hostage inside a rest stop restroom. Nicole is missing a few of her fingers, which the killer pried off through the door.  

After a night of terror, the truth about Nicole's fate is uncovered. In the next morning, she shouts and screams from inside a rest room. She tries to seek help.  

A person hears a woman's voice. We assume the serial killer murdered Jess, Officer Deacon, and Nicole the previous night. Nonetheless, the murders occurred long ago. The twist ending is that Nicole, Officer Michael Deacon, Jess, and others are missing people. Their pictures are posted on a nearby pole along with missing runaways. 

The serial killer murdered people who stopped at the rest stop. Nicole never realized she died until the end. Her soul keeps reliving the nightmare of the night her boyfriend got killed, the police office died, and when the serial killer took her life. 

Rest Stop is a B grade flick you can find a Blockbusters. You can also purchase the movie with clicking on the image. Rest Stop twist ending answers the catalyst of what happens to Jess and Nicole. We figure out the twist ending is a resolution to their murders. Good twist ending in a low budget horror movie.